Shipping Transit Time
Shipping rates are based on our actual cost of shipping an order to your selected destination. The cost is usually calculated taking the weight and dimensions of your items into account as well as the shipping method selected and the distance your order will need to travel. We’re often asked why we don’t offer free shipping or coupon codes for shipping. Our reason is straightforward: we strive to offer quality products at the lowest prices possible, and therefore we do not build shipping costs into our prices as many retailers do.

Please Allow 1 week for your order to ship. Wreath orders are usually next day shipping on wreaths in stock such as the 24″ or 18″.
You have Ten days to look over your order for any reason you may return your order for the subtotal if no mistakes have been made of the order under $300.00 excluding shipping. (Restocking fees may apply.)
Wholesale Orders:
Call for more info. All orders over $300.00 have 3 days to look over your order for any reason you may return your order for the full subtotal excluding shipping costs. (Restocking fees may apply.)
Refusing a shipment:
if you refuse a shipment after your order has been shipped you will be charged a return shipment cost. All orders must be canceled before shipment.
Orders over 1000.00
must call for Info: